I wouldn't necessarily call myself a generic fan of hip hop -- hip hop meaning rap and contemporary urban.
However, I think hip hop is a viable form and style of artistic expression, and I have found several gold nuggets I really dig. Despite people's common riffs against the genre, it is a style of expression that can be, at times, transcendent, a mouthpiece for good, and quite fun. I cringe when I hear the retort, "Rap is crap."
My own disinterest in hip hop comes when it is used as an outlet for disrespect -- disrespect for oneself and others, whether in sexuality, violence, or extreme substance consumption. To be honest, my interest in any art form and style is compromised when disrespectful tones are used and glorified -- be it in country or pop music, paintings, films, and whatever else. I bring it up in hip hop, though, because it seems to be a perpetuating overt theme that often defines the genre. (And only recently, I realized it to be the root of my general hip hop disinterest).
- Sexuality -
Now, it's very nice that the boys go after your big booty, but girl! that seriously cannot be your best asset. And if it is, we definitely have some work to do! Please, respect yo'self (and yo booty) by realizing that there's more to you than that and that all your goodies --physically, mentally, and emotionally -- the entire ensemble of you -- are topics worth singing about. They are precious. You are precious. Respect them; respect you. Also, respect your man by making him live a higher standard than getting you simply cuz he like yo booty! Bring him up with you. If he don't, kick him to the curb. You deserve better, and believe me, better is out there. You will find the respect you deserve.
Likewise, I think it is dazzling and just delightful that you pimp them hoes like no other, but dude! Live it up in LOVE, fool -- true love! Love is scary -- we all know. But, ah, it's worth it, I'm sure, even if it ain't yo style. If you have the power and charm to sweep the ladies off their feet to want to serve and please you, use that power and charm to teach them their true value and true self-respect in who they are as women -- every aspect of them. Give them the respect they deserve. Teach and help them to respect themselves. And by all means, be respectful to yourself by seeking an honest love and then respecting that relationship. These are worth singing about.
- Violence -
As for violence, I'm pretty sure we all can agree there is a higher road. If you think violence is the answer for your situation, take a deep breath, count to 10, walk it off -- whatever. Just don't blow it out of proportion. We get it -- something was important to you and now you want revenge. Pretty sure bustin' a cap in anyone, even the popo, is not a respectful (or honorable) way of getting what you want. Let's sit down, talk it out, get you into college, get you a job, put your life in some respectable direction -- there is a world beyond your hurt, even for you -- there is a world out there for you. We hear you. You're hurt. We validate you. As with any hurt, true healing is possible when you look for it. Grieve it in a healthy outlet. Draw a picture. Go fishing. Watch the sunrise. Anything of peace and beauty. Or, maybe physical activity -- go for a run, pump iron, kick balls around -- anything to let off steam. Now, let's get out there and do some good, fun things today! No guns, knives, or fists necessary. Redemption and healing are worth singing about.
If you really want to talk about violence, perhaps war would be your cup of tea. Yeah, war! War is an awesome subject in the category of violence. We have wars all around the world; wars in history; wars in our own streets. Even, wars in our own homes. Shoot, let's throw them all into a song or rap and share their parallelisms in a way that will blow everyone's minds. We only have us here on this planet. We're all here together. Is it really worth fighting our brothers overseas, or even here at home? Is there really a situation worth that? Again, come on, let's not blow this out of proportion. Where is the respect and honor in war? Surely, that is something worth exploring and, surely, something worth singing about. Spread the love, y'all.
- Substances -
And last but not least, if your weed, crack, meth, booze, slutty partying, or whatever is all you enjoy and look forward to doing, we have got to get you some new hobbies. The world is big, yo! No matter where you live. Get up and see and experience. Go and do. Respect yourself. Respect your life. Make great memories. Make great friends. Make great cookies! It doesn't matter! Just get off your flat, lazy butt and sober up. The days are a-countin'. What will you have done with them? Are you enjoying them? A great, active, full life is worth singing about. Whatever situations you are avoiding with your addictions, face them. Correct them. Correct yourself. Respect yourself by fixing them and moving on. You are not alone. Support and love is there, no matter where you've been or what you've done. You are not as far gone as you think. Get out there and truly live it up! Honest recovery is worth singing about.
I respect hip hop. I really do. There are some gems out there -- gems that explore true love, that dishonor and explore domestic violence, that are a voice for mental health, and much more. But there are also some real poopers that praise doing a short and unfulfilling number on yourself.
There is power in positivity. Personally, I would find more respect for hip hop if true respect were more implemented in its tradition. Then, it would be worth singing about.
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